Source: 2024-03-27
Recently, the U.S. FDA website has updated the import alert measures (import alert), in which, the relevant products of an enterprise in China have been automatically detained, details are as follows: Alert No. | Date of Release | Area | Company Name | Product Name | Item |
16-124 | 2024-3-26 | Guangdong Shantou | Shantou Freezing Factory | Frog Legs | Sulfamethoxazole, Methotrexate |
An Import Alert is a measure taken by the FDA to handle imported food products with potential risks during customs clearance. For companies/products that meet the requirements of an Import Alert, the FDA will place an automatic hold on the company/product without inspection (DWPE). Automatic detention does not mean that the export products do not meet U.S. import standards, was implemented "automatic detention" of imported goods, subject to FDA or FDA-recognized laboratory inspection and approved by the FDA in the local branch audit, Customs will only be permitted to release into the U.S. territory for sale.
Food Partner Network reminds the relevant export enterprises, in strict accordance with the requirements of the importing country for the export of products, check the residues of veterinary drugs in the product, to avoid the risk of export products are detained. Sunny Food in Henan Province is focused on the international news all the time. As a Dehydrated Garlic and onion, Paprika powder manufacturer in China, we are delighted to share the news we acquired with our customers. If you need dehydrated garlic products, Dehydrated Onion products, paprika powder, or other dehydrated vegetables, you can feel free to contact us.