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January 02, 2024
The Benefits of Garlic in Daily

Daily cooking, garlic is an indispensable condiment, but also a very good health ingredients. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that "its breath is smoky and strong, and it can pass the five organs, remove cold and dampness, and ward off evils". Modern research has also found that some components in garlic have the effect of promoting metabolism, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, improving immunity, lowering cholesterol and so on. Garlic brings benefits without 4 types of ingredients....

December 26, 2023
How to Make Black Garlic Granules at Home

Creating black garlic granules involves dehydrating black garlic and grinding it into smaller granules. Here's a basic method for making black garlic granules: Steps to Make Black Garlic Granules: Materials Needed: Black garlic cloves Dehydrator or oven Grinder or food processor Procedure: Preparation: Peel the black garlic cloves and ensure they are clean and free from any excess moisture. Dehydrating Process: Arrange the peeled black garlic cloves on the trays of a dehydrator, ensuring they...

December 19, 2023
Analysis of Supply and Demand Situation of China's Agricultural Products in December 2023

2023-12-08 来源: 农业农村部市场预警专家委员会 2023-12-08 Source: Expert Committee on Market Early Warning, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 玉米:本月对 2023/24 年度中国玉米供需形势预测与上月保持一致。11 月 下旬玉米上市量明显增加,价格有所下行。今年玉米增产较多,售粮进度预期 较常年偏慢,近期进口明显增加,而下游消费需求增量有限,价格缺乏上涨动 力。气象部门预计今年冬季,东北大部地区可能出现阶段性强降温、强降雪天 气,或影响后期玉米购销,建议农户把握好售粮时机。 Corn: This month's forecast for China's corn supply/demand situation in 2023/24 remains consistent with last month's. Corn listings increased significantly in late November and prices moved...

September 01, 2023
Attention! This Port Announces an Additional Fee, Effective September 1

Attention! This Port Announces an Additional Fee, Effective September 1 Recently, the Port Authority of New York-New Jersey announced that the Port of New York-New Jersey will implement a Container Imbalance Fee (CIF) to proactively respond to record cargo volumes resulting from the peak freight season and the shift of freight from the West Coast. The implementation of the new fee will reduce congestion caused by empty containers in the port, and for the loading of imported goods containers to...

July 13, 2023
Colombia Establishes Procedures for Risk Analysis of Imported Vegetables and Their Products, etc.

On July 12, 2023, the Colombian Agricultural Research Institute (ICA) issued Resolution No. 8389 of 2023 establishing procedures for the risk analysis of products such as imported animal products, vegetables and leys, and their products, to be implemented as of the date of issuance. Main contents: 1.Scope. It applies to companies that import animal products, vegetables and their products, and other regulated products for pest and disease risk analysis; 2.Relevant definitions; 3.Application...

May 30, 2023
Canada Issues Food Safety Testing Bulletin (2023-5-15)

On May 15, 2023, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a food safety testing bulletin.   The Canadian Food Inspection Agency monitors chemical and microbiological hazard levels and develops risk management strategies. When violations are detected, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency will take appropriate action, including notifying the manufacturer or importer, conducting further targeted sampling or product seizure and recall.   This food safety monitoring announcement includes...

May 26, 2023
Australia Issues Import Requirements for Roasted Garlic

On May 26, 2023, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) issued import requirements for roasted garlic, effective from the date of issuance. Key elements: (1) An import license from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is not required; (2) Roasted garlic must be processed and packaged. This includes peeling, dicing, slicing and roasting. The product must undergo a roasting process at a minimum temperature of 232°C (or 450°F) for at least 7...

May 26, 2023
Sweden Issues Food Supplement Regulations

On 22 May 2023, the Swedish Food Safety Authority published Notice 2023:3, the Food Supplements Regulation. The main elements of the regulation include: (1) Scope of application (domestically produced or imported food supplements sold within Sweden); (2) Definition of products, food supplements refer to food products that are used as a concentrated source of nutrients and other specific physiologically active substances and to supplement the normal diet, and the product forms are generally...

May 19, 2023
European Commission Issues Proposal on Methodology for Monitoring Intake of Food Additives and Food Flavourings

On 16 May 2023, according to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), the European Commission issued Proposal (EU) 2023/965 on a methodology for monitoring the intake of food additives and food flavourings. The main elements of the proposal include:   (1) Definitions of key words related to monitoring the intake and actual use of food additives and food flavourings. For example: "intake monitoring of food additives and food flavourings" means the collection of data on the presence and...

May 17, 2023
New Zealand Proposes to Establish Requirements for the Management of Official Certificates for the Export of Animal Products

On 12 May 2022, the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) published a notice of its intention to develop an Animal Products Notice - Requirements for the Administration of Official Certificates for Export.   The requirements are intended to apply to the export of animal products (but not including animal products not intended for human consumption, live animals and breeding materials, etc.), and the main contents include definitions and terms, application conditions for official...

May 09, 2023
Australia Revises Maximum Residue Limits for Bifenthrin and Other Pesticides in Certain Foods

On 16 May 2023, Notice F2023C00438 was published on the website of the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, amending Schedule 20 (Maximum Residue Limits for Agricultural and Veterinary Drugs) of the Codex Alimentarius of Australia and New Zealand, with the main content of revising the MRLs for pesticides, including bifenthrin, in some food products, which will take effect on the date of the Gazette's publication. Some of the amendments are as follows (in the table, '*' indicates that the MRLs are...

May 08, 2023
EU Publishes New Version of Regulation on Limits of Contaminants in Food

On 5 May 2023, the European Commission published Regulation (EU) 2023/915 establishing a new version of the Regulation on Contaminant Limits in Foods, which will come into force on 25 May 2023, replacing Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006.   EC No 1881/2006 has been amended several times since it came into force on 1 March 2007. In order to improve the readability of the text, to avoid the use of a large number of footnotes, and to take into account the special situation of certain food products, the...

January 04, 2019
Global Dehydrated Garlic Market Size to Reach USD 838 Million by 2025, Forecast by QYResearch

Dehydrated Garlic is kind of Dehydrated vegetables widely used in food service industry, food processing industry, as well as home cooking and flavoring use, it may also be used in Pharmaceutical industry. In 2017, Global Dehydrated Garlics market size has reached 632 million USD, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.60% from 2017 to 2025, getting 838 million USD by the end of 2025. Overall, the Dehydrated Garlic products performance is positive with the global economic recovery. China...

December 08, 2017
Garlic: The Key to a Long Life?

Garlic is one of the most common cooking ingredients around the world. Many dishes in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas use this strong-flavored vegetable. Garlic is similar to other bulb-shaped plants, including onions, chives, leeks and scallions. But garlic is special. For centuries, people have used garlic not only for cooking, but also for medicine. Medicinal garlic throughout time. Researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell University studied the medicinal...

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